Ready to get your FREE word lists?
- 28 pages of word lists
- Includes language skills, grammar, Apraxia and more!
- Use them for prompts, homework, progress monitoring, crafts and more!
Hi! I'm Jennifer Bradley, creator of Speech Therapy Plans. I want to share with you why I started Speech Therapy Plans...
When I became an SLP, I was excited to help my students by engaging them with fun therapy sessions. After a couple of years, I became stressed-out, frustrated and, honestly, felt hopeless. I felt like I was doing my students a disservice because I wasn’t able to take the time to plan therapy for them and I was tired of spending time away from my family searching for individualized therapy materials. So, I began to create and organize therapy plans and materials for every single week of the year. After months of creating and planning, I had therapy plans that were ready to go! Having therapy plans that are ready to use allows me to focus on why I became an SLP in the first place: engage my students, help them achieve their goals, and eventually reach a place where they don’t need speech anymore! Not only am I able to focus more on my students, but I can now enjoy spending my nights and weekends with my family instead of working. I wanted other SLPs to have access to my plans and materials and that is why Speech Therapy Plans began!